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Lindsay Lohan
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From: Ê anon. Ê (Apr 04, 2004 07:43 EDT)

From: Ê little johnny Ê (Apr 25, 2004 04:35 EDT)
hi lindsay i wanna play tag or hide and seek with you.

From: Ê little johnny Ê (Apr 25, 2004 04:35 EDT)
hi lindsay i wanna play tag or hide and seek with you.

From: Ê JDog Ê (Apr 30, 2004 03:46 EDT)
You are so hot!!! I hope someday you can be my girlfriend.

From: Ê ice man Ê (May 03, 2004 17:25 EDT)
Hey girl, I just like you for who you are un like these perves. hope I can hook up with you sometime

From: Ê ice man Ê (May 08, 2004 22:42 EDT)
Just kidding! I really beat off to your picture every night, and fantasize about you sucking my rock hard 12 inch cock, then fucking you until you bleed. Then I go watch Friends.

From: Ê steve Ê (May 27, 2004 09:26 EDT)
I do the same thing every night, ice man!

From: Ê Lindsay Lohan Ê (May 29, 2004 22:40 EDT)
E-mail me @

From: Ê Ê (Jun 10, 2004 11:06 EDT)
u look so good in pink, it brings out ur hair

From: Ê joe Ê (Jun 24, 2004 11:14 EDT)
her belly is bulging. she needs a bigger pair of pants. her belly is ready to burst out of them. she really needs to lose some weight.

From: Ê wtf Ê (Jun 24, 2004 19:14 EDT)
wtf are u talking about noob.

From: Ê Ê (Jul 18, 2004 10:06 EDT)
oh good lord, you are the prettiest thing. smack me right up!

From: Ê brock Ê (Jul 19, 2004 21:26 EDT)
when she was 12 her teeth were so yellow. thank god for teeth whitening. thank god for her nose job too b/c now she's hott. the implants werent necessary but i wont complain about that. i have to say i've seen girls just as hott and hotter.

From: Ê Gendo Ê (Aug 01, 2004 12:53 EDT)
"Nerv Headquarters. Experiment Station-02" "22 days previous" Gendo: Activate. Ritsuko: Connect the main power supply and all circuits together. Maya: The main power supply connected. Start the activation system. Maya: Voltage increasing to the critical point: 0.5, 0.2, rising! Ritsuko: Start the second phase of the activation system. Shigeru: The pilot has commenced the joining. Ritsuko: Start System Phase II. *Display of Eva-00's neuron Shigeru: Synapses inserted. Junction started. Maya: Pulses transmitted. Shigeru: All circuits are operational. *Gendo, Kozou and Ritsuko standing in the control room Maya: The initial contact has no problems. Shigeru: Power has been transmitted up to the brachial muscle in both arms. There are no problems with the nerve links. Maya: Checked. Up to 2550 on the list satisfied. Ritsuko: Arrange for the third connection. Maya: Up to 2580 satisfied. Until the absolute borderline, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, pulses are beginning to flow back! Shigeru: Problems encountered on the third stage. Rejection is setting in on the nerve center elements. Ritsuko: Stop the contacts. Break the circuits up to 6th. Maya: Negative. The signal is not being received! Maya: Unit Zero is out of control! Gendo: Stop the experiment. Shut off the power supply. Ritsuko: Yes, sir. Ritsuko: Unit Zero's power supply has been switched to standby. Shigeru: 35 seconds until complete standstill. Ritsuko: It's dangerous--step back! Maya: Auto ejection system engaging... Gendo: Damn it! Maya: Time until the complete standstill: 10, 8, 7... Ritsuko: Special Bakelite. Hurry up! Gendo: Rei! Maya: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Gendo: Rei, are you all right? Rei! Gendo: OK.

From: Ê Gobsmacked Ê (Aug 01, 2004 13:17 EDT)
The nineties were a golden era of cinema in Hong Kong, with all sorts of imaginative offerings being generated. We had directors like John Woo and Tsui Hark in their prime, just to mention a few. There was a fertile spirit of creativity that I suspect the Chinese takeover has squashed, or maybe it's just natural ebb-and-flow. At the moment the most interesting things are coming from Japan, but that's another story. We had fantastic martial arts, comedies, horrors of all sorts and a certain type of crazy erotic fare that put the European imagination to shame. "Erotic Ghost Story" was the first of a trilogy and combines erotic, soft-core sex scenes with humour, ghosts, horror and Chinese mythology. And that's more than enough ingredients for an entertaining package. The plot is a variation on the "Witches of Eastwick" theme. In ancient China, three young fox-spirits have meditated for 1,000 years to able to shed their animal natures and become human. A priest warns them of dangers ahead and demons assailing their efforts. But, do they listen? Nope. These vixens have a playful nature, as we see from the opening scenes where they reveal their ghostly (and ghastly, if they want) natures to some bandits they've seduced. They are ripe for the derailing, as it were. The evil demon Wutung has plans for them. Posing as a young scholar, Wutung seduces each one of them, in increasingly torrid sex scenes. There's literally steam blowing out of our protagonists in one scene. One of the sisters is Amy Yip, famous for her huge breasts and for her ability to strip, but show nothing. Watch and you'll get what I mean. Anyway, after sinking into an extended erotic revery with Wutung, their fox pelts begin to grow back on their chests,and the sisters need help. They're reverting to their animal natures after the contamination of Wutung. After seeing him hypnotise a young maiden, strip and kill her - a ludricous clay-mation effect of a face being pulled off, but the idea behind it is mean - our heroines realise what a monster he really is. A three-headed, demonic thing that lusts after women and needs the life-essences from their deaths. The spirits decide to use their magic on him, and fight back. They try the voodo-doll route, with an effect remarkably similar to the Jack Nicholson scene from WOE. Wutung attacks, stripping the vixens and putting them in a trance. The priest, whose help was scorned in the beginning, returns to help the sisters and blows the now-monstrous Wutung to smithereens with his powerful magic. That's all she wrote for this instalment, but Wutung makes a serious comeback in "Erotic Ghost Story 2", another fine, fun film with a greater emphasis on comedy, but still recognisably part of the series. I must say, this one, like "Sex and Zen", "Robotrix" and many others, is a personal favorite of mine. I love director Ngai Kai Lam's mix of horror, mythology and erotica, and that particular sense of Hong Kong humor which can veer into the annoyingly slapstick, but is very effective if handled well. The actresses are all beautiful and acquit themselves well in both the sex and non-sex scenes. Amy Yip in particular would have a sense of comedy and charisma, even if the "Russ Meyer" factor wasn't in evidence. Remove the sex content and these films still have a great sense of imagery, with the three-headed Wutung costume being bizarre in it's conception. There's lots of flying around the sets as well, which is done to death in this whole oeuvre, but always good to watch. I've yet to see Erotic Ghost story 3, but as mentioned before, the next sequel is a worthwhile view if you're into this stuff. Recommended for lovers of Hong Kongean mythical-horror-erotica-comedy. And everyone else too, if'n you got a mind to it...

From: Ê cum and get me Ê (Aug 19, 2004 12:28 EDT)
come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!come and get me!

From: Ê Horny 15 Year Old Boy Ê (Aug 25, 2004 22:11 EDT)
For 3 real Lindsay Lohan nipple slips go to then scroll down and click on "I think I see a nipple".

From: Ê burgermeister Ê (Nov 30, 2004 16:35 EST)
das is gut ya? das is gut ya? YA DAS IST GUT. . . YA. . YAAAAAAAa. . .YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. . . MEIN GOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Ê Revoltion! Read this and act upon it. Victory can be ours! Ê (Dec 19, 2004 06:15 EST)
The Death of Principle This is not another hate-Bush editorial comment. Not at all. The problem with the President's deception on the imminent threat Iraq supposedly posed, is not that it made war an acceptable alternative, no--but that this outrage runs against our identity as a people, as a nation! I do not reject the right of self-defense. I reject using you, the men and women of the Armed Forces, to undermine the very principles for which our country was founded on. If this President can commit treason and get away with it, then, it is highly probably that the next leader or the one after that, may well transform America into an authoritarian state. I am not writing as the Media, okay? I am a man who senses the loss of every ideal this country has fought for in the past to preserve. False Pretexts Four months after the major combat ops in Iraq, the President addressed you, saying that Iraq "was armed against the world." The troops whooped and applauded upon hearing his words. Do his lies not insult your intelligence? Bush also told you that Iraq harbored Al-Qaeda, which we also know now is false. He finally admitted that the terrorist organization had nothing to do with September 11. "We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the 11 September attacks, " he said on 9/17/03. But faking out the story as always, he continued to imply that they were involved, as if merely implying a thing could make it so. The President was right about one thing. Saddam Hussein fit the profile of an evil dictator; and so when the other reasons for war proved fruitless, he made the case for "liberating the Iraqi people." Did you not see that this so-called liberation was the short end of a long list of justifications to go to war when all the other reasons turned out to be bogus? Invading Iraq required an alibi which could stand the test of international law. Hussein agreed to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction in the 1980's, weapons which his regime stockpiled during the period when he was an ally of the US. With the weight of September 11 behind him, the President could make the case that Iraq represented an imminent 'terrorist' threat not only to the US, but to Western Civilization! The mere implication of Hussein having ties with Al-Qaeda could justify war. Even as Bush challenged the UN to offer more troops from member nations, he claimed that "The regime of Saddam Hussein cultivated ties to terror while it built weapons of mass destruction." Again, does this man think that by simply retelling his lies over and over, they become true? As you know, the UN weapons inspectors could find no evidence to support the President's claims of Hussein's WMD. France asked that the team of weapon's inspectors be given another thirty days before they would go along with any resolution which might justify the use of offensive force. But the Bush Administration could not wait considering the immediate and awesome danger that the Iraqi regime posed! And followed orders and invaded the country. Despite what you were told, no biological nor chemical weapons were unleashed on ANY of the troops. Real Reasons for War Why did the US administration not listen to France or other important allies? The only fathomable conclusion is that WMD were not the reason for invading Iraq. You were given all the precautions in order to prepare for chemical and biological attacks, but they did NOT occur. You were misled. But as a friend of mine who is a veteran said, "When given orders, the objective is what is most important, not how you get there." He went on to say, "There is the political part of the equation. When this does not in itself solve the problem, we (the Armed Forces) get called in. If we are misled about why we should fight, that is secondary to the objective: fighting for our country." In truth, President Bush came into power on the shoulders of corporate America, to further their interests. The question is, does this group represent this democratic republic for which the great men and women of the Armed Forces have fought and died for in the past? The fact is, the most 'convincing' pretext for going to battle was built on falsified documents charging that the Iraqi's were attempting to smuggle uranium from Africa. Bush used this fabricated evidence in his State of the Union address to achieve a probable outcome: selling Americans on the war. Before the war, Vice President Cheney said he would not allow his company, Halliburton, to profit from oil production from Iraq. Now after Halliburton (and subsidiaries) won a huge contract to rebuild the oil infrastructure of Iraq, we have since learned that the contracts are far more extensive than first thought; they reach all the way down to the oil beneath the sand. Propaganda Central A friend in the Air Force whom I flew with before he was deployed to Iraq, said this in response to my strong objections to this action: "If you had the intelligence that I have on WMD in Iraq, you would understand why we must do this, but of course I cannot tell you what I know." Now it is clear, not only was the American public lied to, but you--the members of the Armed Forces--were fed a lot of propaganda. You were lied to as well. Again, the fact that you were deceived is not the crux of this problem, it is the nature of the deception that stinks. You continue to fight a war that was cynically marketed, using heart-stirring words such as democracy and freedom to sell us all on a package of lies. You were used to close the gap between the 'political opportunism' of the wealthy and getting the job done. You fight not for your country but for the death of your country. You fight for the death of America. According to John F. Kennedy, "The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war. We do not want war." If we must defend our country, of course-- we will win the fight. But this so-called pre-emptive doctrine is a perversion of American principles. Our forefathers refused to play the games of the Brits; to pay their tariffs, or drink their tea. Those currently running the US government are no different in character than our former masters. A few of us still have the courage and the integrity to stand against the popular tide and say, "The so-called president is a traitor." Abuse of Power While the US Administration led by Colin Powell's call to make an offensive attack agreeable to the the Security Council failed, there is good reason it was not put to a vote. The likely veto either by Russia or France would have clearly demonstrated that this was an illegal war; but does the fact that our leaders simply dismissed the Security Counsel out of hand, change this basic truth? No wonder the Bush Administration chose not to recognize the new International Criminal Court! Further, our Congress wrote the President a blank check to make decisions regarding war and the deployment of troops that typically dictators wield. Foreseeing this potential abuse of power, President Lincoln wrote, "...No one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us." Yet, despite having sworn to uphold the Constitution, the current imposters in the White House have made a farce of the Constitution of the United States, cynically exploiting the attack of September 11, 2001 in order to push through their own self-serving agenda. The Department of Homeland Security is deliberately keeping us in a continual state of insecurity; raising color-coded alerts as the color of our freedom fades. Counter-terrorism is Counterproductive You ask, "What about Hussein? Isn't he the bad guy, the one we should try for his crimes?" Yes, Saddam Hussein should also face the International Court. If your forces capture him, should he be prosecuted by the US for his crimes? Ask yourself: Do we have the moral high ground to do so? When Timothy McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma, many believed it the work of Islamic terrorists, and had he not been arrested? Most likely you would have been called up to help bomb one country or another in the Middle East. McVeigh was held accountable. We did not go to war with all the militia's in the country, nor were you called on to attack the havens of radicalism in America, in Oregon or Montana. Why, then, when going after the perpetrators of terrorism, do we--without any thought to the consequences--bomb other nations? Why, contrary to international law, do we assassinate their leaders? We bombed the soft targets of Arab media stations, then, cry foul when the enemy bombs the UN or for that matter, anyplace where we feel we might make a useful target so long as it accomplishes the 'right objective?' By resorting to counter-terrorism, we lose the moderates in the Arab world, who aghast at our policies, ultimately support attacks against our troops. The fact is, although Iraq was not a terrorist training camp (nor was its government giving refuge to Al-Qaeda), it is now. Because our leaders were hell-bent on the war in Iraq, Al-Qaeda has since regrouped and proven itself as lethal today as before the war. As it turns out, Hussein was not a fan of bin Laden, nor was he on the verge of destroying Western Civilization. Instead, we are invading Islamic civilization. As the the Cheneys, Rumsfelds and the Wolfowitzes speak of 'terrorist threat,' they will continue to send you into every corner of the world to wage war against the cultures of other peoples until the golden arches become better known as the symbol of Americanism, than the Boston Tea Party. Our leaders prefer to call this farce 'pre-emptive liberation.' What is this madness but a cover for their own, wildly ambitious schemes? Unfortunately, most Americans fail to see Bush and his associates for who they are. How else could it be? You fight for this blight upon our nation, and lend credibility to false pretexts. The truth? Our leaders do not care for justice, nor do they care for you aside from your use to accomplish their objectives. True Patriotism Americans imagine that waving a flag and accepting whatever they are told is a sign of patriotism. Nothing could be further from the truth. To speak up and see that this government is held accountable, is greater than flag waving. However, most Americans live out their lives--not as authentic human beings who believe in the principles of the commonwealth. They live out their lives according to what the advertisers tell them they should live, to care for nothing else but their own personal affluence and security. For THIS reason Americans are susceptible to political advertising; to propaganda. Speaking into the problem of unjust policies that might well threaten the foundations of our democracy, Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." Arrest Bush You, men and women of the Armed Forces, are facing perils from the right and the left, between the majority who imagine that the loss of freedom is worth enhanced security, and your Commander and Chief who is exploiting the fears of the American people. Watch as the current Administration makes alliances with terrorists if it suits their purposes; watch the President speak of bringing democracy to the Middle East while continuing to coddle the authoritarian rulers of Saudi Arabia; watch him ally the US with despots in other countries if it so serves his interests. His treasonous acts will only serve to increase the threat of terrorism. As these things unfold you will know that what I am saying is true. The evil you must fight is not 'out there,' it is right here on our own soil. Meanwhile, watch as Congress--without debate--turns over its powers to declare war fully to the Executive Branch, no conditions attached. In this situation, no remedy will exist for the loss of "certain, inalienable rights." Watch as the the same Republican Congress agrees to see that the USA Patriot Act is made into permanent legislation, dismantling the American Bill of Rights. Understand. This is not a Congress that will see that the President is impeached for his criminal abuses of power. Are YOU for America? First, refuse to fight this war. Second, see that the Joint Chiefs of Staff arrest your Commander and Chief. Does he wish to try terrorists before military tribunals? Well, then, see that he is also tried before a military tribunal for acts of terror, and then, turned over to the ICC. In this article I have clearly demonstrated that President Bush and his associates have committed illegal actions for which the only remedy is their removal. What is worse, they have cynically placed you in a position to undermine American values and ideals by calling you to fight a war that is ultimately against America. The President is no better than his nemesis, Saddam Hussein. I call upon you, the members of the Armed Forces, to arrest the President of the United States for treason, and for Crimes Against Humanity. To do otherwise, to ride the tide of his popularity in this immensely popular war and pretend that all is well, is to compromise YOUR honor as soldiers and citizens of this great land. InterNation needs YOUR financial support in order that we may continue on with the REVOLUTION. We are also looking for a Sponsor, for whom we will give a Macromedia Movie Ad on every page - publicizing your business or organization. Please view our Media Kit for more information. Please send checks or money orders to: c/o Tod Zänkert, InterNation, P.O. Box 2318, Truckee CA 96160 Phone: 530-582-5145 Opposing Viewpoints / Comments Please send us your opinions. The government "of the people, by the people, for the people" has now declared war ON the people. While the media attempts to distract the attention of the people, our criminal government uses their propaganda as a cover, making a mockery of (the ideals) our friends and relatives fought for and/died to keep. -Chris, Washington D.C. The biggest test is whether the President believes he is right to 'select' who brings democracy to Iraq. Imposing democracy? Remember, when the Security Council might have voted in a democratic way about going to war with Iraq, your American leaders refused this vote. They walked away. What does this say to the rest of the world? My conclusion is that your leaders care only to bully the rest of the world into their way of thinking. Does this make me happy? No, in France we have always respected American principles even if we don't want your Yellow Arches. But for me, I cannot understand why the U.S. Congress impeached Bill Clinton for lying about sex while this Bush lies about Qaeda and WMD in Iraq and is America's favorite. Why isn't he arrested as a criminal? What about the thousands of people who died over this lie? Your country is now Manifest Destiny, out of control! -Michael, France You are outta your mind if you think Bush is a threat to the World Order; ah, but you think he's a part of it? Aren't you clever. Still...why do you respect your Armed Forces considering the ruin they've left in their wake, when they cannot hardly stand on their own 2 feet and see the truth? You are crazy, man, to think they're gonna fucking listen to you. Why the hell are you so fucking honest? Worse, you sound like you really love your country... -David, UK I dare you to Publish this! Well, you have done an excellent job of leaving half of the story out of your own propaganda. Why would we wait another thirty days when we have already waited twelve years for Iraq to comply with UN resolutions? Do you REALLY THINK that Saddam would comply?? Even if Saddam Hussein did not use the chemical weapons against US troops, does that mean that they don't exist? Maybe you would like to prove your position and take a swim in the Tigris River. I hear that it is a nice, clean river thanks to Iraq. So the question is, why would you not mention any of this in your article? Of course it's because you do not want people to hear that. It would jam a wrench in your political bomb-throwing agenda. The truth is that the UN is completely impotent in enforcing its own resolutions. Even worse, Russia smuggled GPS jamming devices through UN "humanitarian shipments" to Iraq. Thanks Russia! Thanks UN!! Our soldiers loved that one!! And how about France? I wonder what the reason is for France's stout objection to this war.... It couldn't possibly be the contractual and financial ties they have with Saddam Hussein, could it? I can take comfort in the fact that Jacques Chirac is shaking in his boots right now, wondering what Saddam is going to reveal to the interrogators. If you post this I will have great respect for your publication. I doubt you will, though.

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