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Hilary Duff SEXY pictures! Only at Mr. Skin!

Hilary Duff
?Album: Hilary Duff? ?
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From: ? adam ? (Nov 06, 2024 18:49 EST)
i want you to masterbate while i stick a dildo in you cunt, and then i want to stick my cock in your pussy and impregnate you biatch:lol:

From: ? lester ? (Nov 09, 2024 22:51 EST)
fuck you adam,dont ever talk to hilary dat way,aight,y dont you finger n fuck your mama,busted,fucking cockroach

From: ? adam ? (Nov 10, 2024 03:46 EST)
hey lester shut the fuck up i can do what ever i want to her because she loves my cock and sucks like a true women

From: ? lindsey ? (Dec 15, 2024 03:01 EST)
grow up adam

From: ? adam's a jackass ? (Jan 20, 2004 13:42 EST)
you mean printing this picture out and wrapping it on your tiny wiener. give her a magnifying glass first before telling her to suck it with her finger nails

From: ? rory ? (Jan 29, 2004 01:03 EST)
i'm with lester, don't talk to her that way. use her, don't abuse her

From: ? Mildsauce editor ? (Feb 12, 2004 14:41 EST)
You guys need to get out more often. Get a date...get a life! Keep it clean.

From: ? e*** ? (Feb 15, 2004 12:01 EST)
she is sooooo sweeet so beutifuuul :)

From: ? hilary ? (Mar 01, 2004 19:33 EST)
how old are u guys

From: ? YIPPY MIDSAUCE EDITOR ? (Mar 07, 2004 02:17 EST)

From: ? younglust ? (Mar 19, 2004 08:12 EST)
if she's 16 she's legal. yummy.

From: ? harry ? (Mar 29, 2004 05:22 EST)
i need ten mins all along with in a soundpoof bedroom with her tight her to the floor and makeout with her and making love to her just keep on kissing her lips all night long nonstop

From: ? X ? (Apr 01, 2004 00:34 EST)
she is absolutely beautiful

From: ? [email protected] ? (Apr 10, 2004 14:23 EDT)
hola te quiero con todo mi corazon

From: ? Anonymous ? (Apr 13, 2004 04:25 EDT)
Put the pic full screen ... wow

From: ? warlock ? (Apr 20, 2004 07:54 EDT)
she has very nice skin (im not a sick freak) just thought i might say that

From: ? Kevin ? (Apr 29, 2004 15:19 EDT)
Hilary duff is extremely sexy!!! Id just like 2 know if its really HER who posts the comments(i saw a comment made by "hilary")

From: ? Kevin ? (Apr 29, 2004 15:23 EDT)
Hey hilary, i dont mean 2 get personal,but do u have a hotmail address? If you DO want 2 disclose it, send it 2 [email protected]. PLEASE SEXY ANGEL!!!

From: ? hotman ? (May 02, 2004 11:48 EDT)
I want to fuck you. You look hot. Pleas let me fuck you in the ass and give me oral. I will fuck you, till you scream

From: ? taylor ? (May 22, 2004 18:28 EDT)
leave hilary alone she is my best firend adam

From: ? cutelilblondi ? (Jun 01, 2004 11:40 EDT)
u guys are sick

From: ? lipfetish ? (Jun 02, 2004 13:15 EDT)
i love those creamy lips

From: ? total fucker ? (Jun 04, 2004 00:14 EDT)
yeah those lips make me wanna slide my tongue down her throat

From: ? ajzt ? (Jun 04, 2004 00:16 EDT)
hey she's hot but you fags masturbate too quickly

From: ? Some1special ? (Jun 04, 2004 18:07 EDT)
I love hilary so much, I'm gonna get famous or some way find out how to meet her and get her to fall in love with me, and by the way, all you guys that are just saying that you want to do her are freeks, thats prolly all you pervs think about, you all really need help.

From: ? HotDOG!! ? (Jun 07, 2004 11:26 EDT)
Im with adam, hilary wants some deep cock in her pussy, ill fuck her till she passes out from exhaustion. And any of you highschool girls looking for hairstyles are welcome to join us.

From: ? Mildsauce editor ? (Jun 18, 2004 10:14 EDT)
Dear HighSchool Girls, Yes it is a big problem with all these guys coming on here talking about how much they want to ram their massive cocks into hilarys lil pussy, but hey they are right lets all fuck her till she dies from exhaution, we can put paintcan's up her pussy until she crys then drown her in all our cum. My cum is for her and she swallows everytime, i even took a dump on her chest once and she ate it.

From: ? coolguymagoo ? (Jun 19, 2004 00:41 EDT)
What is with all you crazy, perverted motherfuckers, you all need real lifes n real girlfriends (or boyfrend 4 all u fags), geta life.

From: ? () () & _> _> ? (Jun 22, 2004 02:06 EDT)

From: ? [email protected] ? (Jun 23, 2004 23:04 EDT)

From: ? loser ? (Jun 30, 2004 14:12 EDT)
what like u

From: ? loser ? (Jun 30, 2004 14:13 EDT)
not u dever im talking to hotdog

From: ? [email protected] ? (Jul 14, 2004 16:35 EDT)
From:Mya so hilary thinks shes all that rite yeah of course bascially in one word shes a BITCH!!!!!! for sure!! I mean she can act but she sucks at singing honey you are not the next Britney spears ok sweetie so forget it ur sister Hylie can't sing either shes jus doing this to get famous and is using you bitch by the way you are not all that and ur ugly as HELL lose sum weight by the way maybe alot jus a little advice for you hun nothing personal you'd look better ,much better that way lose maybe like 8 lbs. and stop singing cuz to be completing honest with you sweetie you jus really suck at it well rott in hell forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: ? Duff is hot ? (Jul 21, 2004 11:00 EDT)
shes not gonna do any of you ya sick pervs

From: ? HAHAHAHA ? (Jul 22, 2004 14:36 EDT)
have you noticed how in pictures unlike this picture taken in a shoot and obviously airbrushed she looks totally different??? she actually looks like a really pretty girl here... but she's not and you losers are too stupid to figure that out. ohhh the possibilies of computers and great lighting!!!!

From: ? hey duff is hot ? (Jul 23, 2004 18:22 EDT)
you can suck our dicks bitch

From: ? to the guy named hahahaha ? (Jul 23, 2004 18:24 EDT)
what the fuck is yuor problem we like her so what if she wears make up we think she is hot and what you think is hot is yuor own god dam buisness so go fuck your mom while yuo get blown from yuor dad and leave us alone yuo fuckhead

From: ? Zippo ? (Jul 24, 2004 05:01 EDT)
hey hilary, please email me, my email is [email protected] P.S. im not a stalker

From: ? Zippo ? (Jul 24, 2004 05:03 EDT)
Dudes, please, you are all so sad, she is not goung to do a fucking thing with any of you, so jet a job you stupid fuckers

From: ? Fuck zippo ? (Jul 24, 2004 11:27 EDT)
Yuo fuckmunck, we all have jobs and lifes and girlfriends but we come here to express our selve yuo fuck yuo dick wad muthafuckin christian prick

From: ? I'M Pei ? (Aug 01, 2004 13:06 EDT)
Fountain Place is a 5.5-acre complex on the northern edge of the Dallas central business district. The first phase of the project includes a 60-story, 1.3 million square foot office tower with surrounding water gardens and underground parking. Subsequent phases include a second tower (identical to the first but rotated 90 degrees) together with a hotel, restaurant and shops. The client wanted to establish both a unique identity on the skyline and an inviting public presence at street level. To achieve these goals a glass-sheathed tower was designed according to a rigorous geometry based on the diagonal of a double square, resulting in a 10-facet prism that seems to unfold on the skyline as the viewer changes position. The skyscraper's figurative imagery gives way at street level to the spatial primacy of the water garden that flows beneath and through the tower's carved-out base. A great outdoor room and the vital heart of the complex, this public park gives Fountain Place both its name and unique personality as an office development that transcends mere servitude as a 9-5 workplace. Fountain Place was awarded the American Institute of Architects' national Honor Award in 1990 and the Excellence in Urban Design Award of The City of Dallas. Site A full city block bordered by Ross Street on the east, Munger Street on the west, Freeman Street on the north and Field Street on the south. The executed tower and surrounding water gardens occupy the southeast quadrant of the site; the second tower will occupy the southwest quadrant at the comer of Field and Munger. (Areas slated for future development are currently used for surface parking). Design Goals The 60-story First Interstate Bank Tower and surrounding water gardens that currently make up Fountain Place represent the first phase of a 5.5-acre development on the northern edge of the Dallas central business district. Subsequent phases of the project include a second tower, identical to the first but rotated 90 degrees, together with a hotel, restaurant and shops. The whole will comprise a 4-million square foot commercial complex with a 2-acre public park: an oasis in the torrid Southwestern sun that offers a place for relaxation and revitalization amid cooling pools and fountains and shade from a cypress forest. The client, a developer, wanted to create for the complex a memorable identity and distinct sense of "place" in an imaginative manner that would benefit the public realm. To accommodate these needs the project has been designed to assert a powerful skyline image, but to give way on the ground to open garden spaces. This compelling dual focus -- the sculpting of form on the skyline and the shaping of public space at street level --formed the guiding principles of Fountain Place from the earliest stages of design. Place Making As prominent figures in the urban scene, tall buildings inescapably present significant contextual challenges that determine their stance and relationship to the city. In this case, on the amorphous fringe of downtown, it was not a question of continuing the scale and activity of the street, nor of complementing other new buildings in an emerging part of town. Neither was it an issue of integration with an historical district where dematerialization, or some other deferential posture, might be required of a new building in order to grant primacy to existing landmarks. Located instead in a low-density area occupied by warehouses, scattered commercial structures and parking lots, Fountain Place, bordered by an elevated freeway, effectively had no context, it was consequently obliged to create a setting of its own. The grounds of Fountain Place have been cultivated as a major public amenity with an environment entirely different from the surrounding city. And the mass of the tower, dramatic and assertive, has been designed to call attention to itself, to actively participate in the skyline despite its location outside the downtown core. The deliberate emphasis of the complex as a unique entity, as a special place set apart, constitutes a bold architectural gesture which is not only appropriate but perhaps imperative in an urban setting such as this, if only to suggest new design possibilities in an otherwise characterless part of town. Organizing Geometry The 720-foot tower is based in plan and section on the diagonal of a double square, maintaining an exact 2:1 ratio of rise to slope. Its 10-facet form results, in effect, from cutting away a square through a series of planes and inclines that intersect at unexpected angles. About half the volume has been scooped out of the 4-story base to leave a parallelogram at the building core. The core is flanked on either side by twin 60-foot high open entryways, each with a tremendous clear span of 156 feet. Supported by wedge-shaped pylons in the northwest and southeast comers, these triangular cutaways serve as outdoor vestibules that permit the water gardens of Fountain Place to flow beneath and through the prismatic tower; boundaries between landscape and architecture are thus intentionally blurred as building mass gives way to water, plants and open space. Above the base, on the fifth through twelfth stories, the building manifests its full girth with huge floorplates, 192 feet square. Thereafter the" tower begins to taper with deeply cut inclines that slope in opposite directions across the north and south elevations, reaching their apex in complex 5-plane junctions on the 45th floor. The crowning gable is formed by the skyscraper's top 16 stories; there is no ornamental "hat" nor even a roof per se, only the sloping east and west walls that meet in a narrow ridge at the 60th floor. By virtue of its faceted configuration the tower offers a variety of floor- plates, ranging from about 37,000 square feet to 1,500 square feet at the top. The aver-age office area is approximately 21,000 square feet. Curtain Wall The skyscraper is clad in reflective blue-green glass, some 500,000 square feet of it, which stretches in a continuous surface around the structural steel frame. Each glazed facet mirrors a different aspect of the environment, especially the ever-changing sky, so that the tower responds to different seasons and times of day with mutable colors and varying cloud patterns that seem to double, rather than to define or enclose, space. Window washing is achieved by an innovative system of gondolas that emerge from operable windows indistinguishable from the rest of the curtain wall. Each platform is hung from a stationary guide rail strategically positioned along the top of the building's multiple vertical planes, but articulated so as not to interfere with pure expression of the minimalistic tower. An internal guttering network controls rainfall off the steep inclines by channeling runoff directly into storm drains. Figurative Imagery Through the tautness and reflectivity of its envelope and the pivotal force of its geometry, the tower presents a rich sequence of form that changes with the viewer's position. The experience will be magnified exponentially in the complete complex where the twin tower masses, set at right angles to each other, present rotating perspectives from a single viewpoint. Perceptions of Fountain Place are particularly heightened at high speed from the freeway where the road curves north-south and the tower seems to unfold, sequentially revealing its multiple facets. In a very real way, the project has been designed to involve the viewer by engaging his interest in a tower whose form is not immediately comprehensible. Spatial Primacy Although it is the prismatic mass that asserts itself on the skyline, it is the primacy of space over building that the pedestrian senses on the street. The executed tower and its intended twin on the west have been positioned not to dominate open space but to unify building and site as one. At street level, then, the towers become residual elements of the design while the primary figure emerges as a great outdoor room: the landscaped open plaza that gives Fountain Place its name and unique personality as an office complex that transcends mere servitude as an impersonal 9-5 workplace. Water Gardens Visitors encounter water immediately upon entering Fountain Place and in sight and sound of rushing waterfalls, leave behind the congestion and noise of the city. They also leave behind the enervating Texas sun as the gardens drop the ambient temperature a very noticeable 10-15 degrees. Water is everywhere. Some 650,000 gallons of it occupy 70% of the plaza as 14-foot white-water falls on the south, as cascading terraces along stairs that descend from the street, as gurgling fountains or as tranquil reflecting pools that continue the tower's emphasis on planarity. Overlaid by the rigorous grid of a geometrically ordered cypress forest (the trees are planted 15 feet on center), the bubblers and basins lie on exactly the same plane as the network of walkways threaded between them. Visitors consequently have the sensation of walking in, and on, the water, of being surrounded by, and totally at one with, nature. What distinguishes Fountain Place from other public plazas is the active role people play as participants in the design. This is nowhere truer than in the center of the courtyard where dancing waters from 217 computerized jets spray out of a 30-foot grid which, again, is exactly flush with the pavement. There are no boundaries or demarcations to discourage people from direct contact with the fountain, from skipping through its center or just enjoying its more than 200 programmed displays from park benches or cafe seating off to the side. At night the fountain is colorfully illuminated by rotating fiber optics while the gardens as a whole take on a romantic glow from more than 500 underwater lights in the surrounding pools. This is a place where people come at lunch and after work, where families and visitors linger on the weekends. Civic Responsibility From concept through execution the motivating impulse of Fountain Place has been the acknowledgment of civic responsibility as a fundamental part of the design pro-cess. It has as its goal the liberation of commercial development from prosy conven-tion and the introduction of a revitalizing element of fantasy into the daily life of American cities. It is only through this strategy, and the reciprocity of architecture, landscape and accessible open space that so large a commercial development can be made to serve rather than dominate, and animate rather than oppress, the public realm it seeks to enrich. In 1990 Fountain Place received the national Honor Award of the American Institute of Architects and the Excellence in Urban Design Award of the City of Dallas. The project was also selected to represent America in a joint USA/USSR exhibition, staged simultaneously in New York and Moscow, on "The Socially Responsible Environment. " PEI COBB FREED & PARTNERS Architects LLP FIRST INTERSTATE BANK TOWER AT FOUNTAIN PLACE (Formerly Allied Bank Tower at Fountain Place) Dallas, Texas Building Components - Phase 1 60 Stories above grade 3 Stories below grade (extends under plaza) Building Height: 720' above lobby level Lobby Height: 32'-9" (floor-to-floor); 27-7 (floor-to-ceiling) Typical Height: 12'-0" (floor-to-floor); 8'-10" (floor-to-ceiling) Gross Building Area - Phase I TOTAL: 1,877,838 square feet BASEMENT LEVELS(4): 596,667 s/f (435,102 s/f parking) LOBBY LEVEL: 18,612 square feet LEVELS 2-59: 1 @ 16,360 square feet 2 @ 19,512 square feet 8 @ 36,864 square feet 47 @ variable floor sizes ranging from 36,558 square feet (lower level) to 1,498 s/f (highest level) Water Gardens Multi-level pools and fountains/ central computer-programmed water displays with colored lighting/ ordered forest of bald cypress trees Net Areas - Phase I LOBBY: 14,866 square feet OFFICE AREA (57 floors): 1,140,234 square feet WATER GARDENS/PLAZA: 93,000 square feet on grade Site Area Phase 1: 154,000 s/f ; Total: 244,000 s/f (includes Phase 11) Parking Capacity Approximately 930 cars (3 levels below grade); 300 cars at grade Construction Cost - Phase 1 $110,952,000 Foundation Cast-in-place concrete drilled piers Structure Structural steel - X-braced frame Curtain Wall Clear glass with reflective coating/extruded aluminum frames with clear anodized coating Exterior Paving Precast concrete on plaza; granite beneath tower Interior Finishes LOBBY: granite floors; marble walls; aluminum panel ceiling TYPICAL FLOOR: standard office finishes with acoustical ceilings Mechanical Decentralized system with fan rooms on individual floors; medium Aow pressure ceiling distribution for perimeter and interior zones Life Safety Fully sprinklered; 3 fire stairs Vertical Circulation ELEVATORS: 4 banks of 6 passenger elevators serving lowrise, intermediate lowrise, intermediate high rise, and highrise; SERVICE ELEVATORS: 2 Module 3'-0" Client Criswell Development Company Dallas, Texas Pei Cobb Freed & Partners' Services Master Plan; Architectural Design Time Frame: Master Planning Commenced: June 1982 Phase 1, Design Development Commenced: April 1983 Phase 1, Construction Commenced: March 1984 Phase 1, Construction Completed: September 1986 Project Team Henry N. Cobb, Design Partner Eason H. Leonard, Managing Partner Michael D. Flynn, PartnerlCurtain Wall Douglas Gardner, Associate PartnerlProject Architect Abe Sheiden, Associate PartnerlProject Management Theodore A. Amberg, Associate PartnerlDallas James P. Morris, Associate PartnerlContracts Richard Cutter, Job CaptainlPlaza, Garage Louis Kaufman, Job CaptainlTower Yvonne Szeto, Job CaptainlCurtain Wall Andrew West, Job CaptainlLobby Rustom Cowajee, John Neary, Suzanne Robinson, Raul Teran Associate Architects Architectural Consulting Services Inc., Dallas, TX Consultants Landscape: Kiley Walker, Charlotte, VT Structural: CBM Engineers, Inc., Houston, TX MechanicallElectrical: Cosentini Associates, New York & Dallas Consulting Architect: Harry Weese & Associates Elevators: Calvin L. Kort, Inc., Glen Rock, NJ Life Safety: Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc., Springfield, IL Acoustical: Cerami and Associates, Long Island City, NY Fountains: R.J. Van Seters Company, Toronto, Ontario, Canada and WET Enterprises, Glendale, CA Traffic: Travers Associates, Clifton, NJ Planning: Vincent Ponte, New York and Montreal, Canada Survey and Civil: Blum Civil Engineers, DWW,fX Soils: Mason-Johnston and Associates, Dallas, TX Exterior Maintenance: Verta Corporation, Minneapolis, MN Construction Manager HCB Contractors, Dallas, TX Major Subcontractors Excavation: Canabury, Inc., Dallas, TX Retention System: Schnabel, Inc., Richardson, TX Reinforcing: Sheffield Steel, Inc., Houston, TX Concrete Supply Gifford Hill & Co., Inc., Dallas, TX Structural Steel Erection: Beasley Construction Co., Dallas, TX Metal Deck: Mac-Fab, St. Louis, MO Lobby Level Enclosures: Olden & Co., Dallas, TX Waterproofing: Max Evbanks Inc., Fort Worth, TX Elevators: Fujitec of America, Inc., Lebanon, OH Electrical: Ling/Oliver/O'Dyer, Inc., Dallas, TX HVAC/Plumbing: Brandt/Wallace (Brandt Engineering/ Carl P.Wallace Inc., joint venture), Dallas, TX Selected Bibliotraphy Dillon, David," Constantly Changing Minimalist Tower," Architecture (December, 1986) p. 44-49. Olson, Christopher, "Dramatic Geometry Challenges Project Team," Building Design & Construction (September, 1987) p. 102-106. The Socially Responsible Environment: USA/USSR 1980-1990 (New York, 1990) n.p. Awards American Institute of Architects, national Honor Award (1990) The City of Dallas Urban Design Committee, Excellence in Urban Design Award (1990)

From: ? Horny 15 Year Old ? (Aug 11, 2004 12:46 EDT)
I wish Hilary Duff would just start humping my face,then i'd stick out my tongue and really give her something to hump.

From: ? Fuck you dermot ? (Aug 14, 2004 08:02 EDT)
harassment is a federal offence harassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offenceharassment is a federal offence

From: ? KAre Kano ? (Aug 14, 2004 08:04 EDT)
I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?. I... I feel like jumping into some anime world... Life seems so much more exciting in Love Hina. The girls have the perfect looks and perfect personalities to go with it, don't you wish there was 1 girl who could be exactly like an anime character...? Errr... may sound weird but i've lost my will to live at this point, nothing matters to me anymore. I'm not kidding. I swear Love Hina has been all i've thought about for the last few days... I think i need to go see a doctor, this is getting outta hand, my last few dreams have even been about Love Hina, like i'm fantising of Naru... wtf? Why are 2D drawings acting me up so? Argh... Whats wrong with me? Is this just me? Did this happen to any of you? P.S. Best answer quickly as i'm planning to go jump in a lake with a ball and chain, to end this... mysery?.

From: ? Gay frenchman ? (Aug 14, 2004 08:05 EDT)
I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere! I have reasons darling. Play elsewhere!

From: ? Tishka ? (Aug 23, 2004 08:09 EDT)
Ok, We all know that Adam needs a life, and everyone now worships the editor lol. Being a woman, Yeah. I'm jealous. She's beautiful..I'm "Pretty" She's skinny.. "'m Average" She can sing, Always wanted to.. She can dance.. *Coughs* Lets just say dancing isn't my thing. Yeah, if I was a guy, I suppose I'de bone her too. I'm not. (Hooray) >.>.. So..All in all.. I respect her.. she seems nice. Seemed nicer on the disney channel...but.. hey, Things happen. If they want to dream about doing her, Let them. Who wouldn't, It's a natural thing growing up. Keep in mind however of the millions of another fans who want to boen her as well.. stick with a gf. >.< As for me...I'm 14.. men hate me.. and I hate them too. =] ( No offense to you nice horny and mean people) Anyway, I kind of forgot the main point of this comment so I'll shut up now.

From: ? Hitman 47 ? (Aug 23, 2004 17:06 EDT)
Now there's a young girl who truly understands life! I give u credit Tishka! Don wry i'm not 16-25

From: ? Hitman 47 ? (Aug 23, 2004 17:07 EDT)
If any1 wants to kno my real age, e-mail me at [email protected]

From: ? Aaron is BACK ? (Aug 28, 2004 21:22 EDT)
dude nobody gives a flying fuck as to what yuor real age is this is a page for people who would like to fuck hilary, and we are all the same age as her (at least i am)

From: ? Hitman 47 ? (Aug 29, 2004 12:53 EDT)

From: ? ??? do you need to know??? ? (Sep 04, 2004 21:06 EDT)
Dude, if I was a guy, which i'm not, i'd totally do her. She's very beautiful. I admire her. She has everything I want. I kinda envy her. But yea, not that much. Well, gotta go.

From: ? Hitman 47 ? (Sep 05, 2004 00:29 EDT)
woah,what was that? that's a first lesbian to be here, i think.

From: ? kylee ? (Sep 05, 2004 10:44 EDT)
i love your music. It is so awesome.You are my inspiration.I want to be just like you when I grow up.

From: ? lulu ? (Sep 05, 2004 21:33 EDT)
anyone wanna meet for sum casual fucking...i havnt in AGES...i need some excitement!! put ure e-mail here

From: ? Hitman 47 ? (Sep 06, 2004 13:55 EDT)
that's nice kylee, but who are u talking to?

From: ? jack ? (Sep 22, 2004 00:37 EDT)
ok heres my e-mail address

From: ? bring_me_2_life1@hotmail talk to me bought hil. ill set you straight! :) ? (Oct 04, 2004 19:25 EDT)
HILARY IS A LOSERRRRRRRRRRR! She can't sing and she can't act. ill admit shes kinda pretty..but SO WHAT?!?! thats what got her this far. SHE HAS NO TALENT. and what are you ppl doing looking at her pix?! the way these guys talk it sounds like you're a bunch of nasty old men shes like 17..MAYBE ..w/e i hope you rape her ...and get her pregnant...and then shes seen as the filthy lil whore she really is! and then she has no more fans YEAH. she never had many in the first place anyways. mostly only 5 yr old lil hilary clones and 50 yr old horny men! I through a water bottle at her when i went to the MMVAs and almost got kiked out *sigh it was worth it though* anyways...yeah just thought id put my opinion out there for everyone. Sarah PS i was searching google for I HATE HILARY icons when it gave me this shyt!


From: ? HILLARY LOVER ? (Oct 08, 2004 16:44 EDT)

From: ? bring me to lifes Mama ? (Oct 08, 2004 23:29 EDT)
you nasty s.o.b. even though it is true that i pay men to stick my ass it doesnt mean you have to go announcing it all over this site.ya you are right i love it up the ass, especially from big african american men they thrust me deep and and so hard, oo yaaaaaaa i just love it, you dont have to anounce that my son is a bastard even though that is true

From: ? A !!! HA ! HA ! HA ! HA H! A ! A ! H AAAAAAAAA ? (Oct 08, 2004 23:32 EDT)

From: ? Ray ? (Oct 09, 2004 01:39 EDT)
i want to watch u finger ur self with 2 fingers in ur pussy and ass then while u jack me off ill finger u

From: ? RussianHitman47 ? (Oct 10, 2004 10:03 EDT)
Ray Ray Ray, when will u learn u sick bastard that not ALL dreams come true... (sigh) i dont can u guys write all this nonsense about this girl.... She is not a toy that u can play with all the time.. She is an actress!! So just be intelligent men, and just stop, what u guys do and write will NEVER even make HIlary look your way! tsk tsk tsk...Peace

From: ? mandi ? (Oct 10, 2004 13:58 EDT)
ha hilary iz fukin ugly and she thnks she can rock wtf iz she retarted she fukin sings pop .. OMG she iz an embarassment tu tha music industry and she cant make money singin or actinn so she sells her shitty shit at the gayest soter ever..ZELLERS!!omg no!!!!and she iz a fken mommas girl like ha haha .. stupid whore....and she started shit wit avril wow big mistake now evri one hates her more than tha did b4 !! hilary yu get it yu cant rock!! yu sng pop so fuk yu bitch !!AVRIL ROXZ AND YU GAY ASS PPL DUN RESPOND 2 ME CAUSE I AINT EVER CUMMIN BAC HER CAUSE THIZ PLACE IZ 4 FAGS!!!!

From: ? Rain ? (Oct 10, 2004 15:16 EDT)
You are all a bunch of sick little fucks, get a life, jeez...




























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